Kyoto Enviro Tech offers services in the development of system software programming right from requirement analysis to designing of specifications and the architecture; and from coding to testing,
maintenance and documentation. Kyoto Enviro Tech has several years of experience in designing and developing embedded operating systems and system management modules, right from the operating
system kernel to the middleware to the user interfaces (CLI/Web). Object-oriented analysis and design (OOP) methods are stringently followed using UML as the standard language used in the design process for
some of the projects.
We offer services in the following areas:
» Real time operating system architecting
» Embedded operating systems
» File Systems
» Volume management, Replication
» File Access Protocols
» Middleware - kernel, system databases, CLI, interface layers
» Configuration Management
» Localization and Internationalization
» Device drivers
» Product Installation Modules on Unix, Linux, Windows