Cloud Computing utilizes the power of the internet so as to ease the access to applications as well as add power of scalability and high availability. Where as Cloud Storage is a way of effectively using the existing data storage technology and resources so as to make them available over the Cloud..

Cloud storage allows a great amount of flexibility in terms of provisioning as per the changing and ever increasing storage requirements, it is easy to add more space or even reduce as needs change; best of all aspects is that no upfront investments are required. The applications can vary from storing files, emails, pictures, media files along with critical databases and important data backup.

Cloud is used by end users either directly by storing their data over the web or indirectly through various web-based applications. Cloud storage is offered by various service providers. Companies like Google and Amazon implemented this concept in an excellent manner and offered their excess capacity and scaleable infrastructure for users to utilize in an efficient way.

Kyoto Enviro Tech ' Cloud Storage Framework

Kyoto has developed a framework for Cloud Storage. This framework allows adding capability of Cloud Storage to any data storage system and exposing this data storage over the internet via various APIs. The Kyoto Cloud framework has been designed to work over POSIX compliant file systems and the data can be accessed over the internet using REST/HTTP; API for configuration and administration have also been developed.

This Kyoto Cloud framework greatly enhances ability of the data storage system manufacturers to get themselves ready for Cloud offering.

What Kyoto Enviro Tech can do

Kyoto can assist customers in following:
» Enable existing Data Storage System for Cloud Storage capability.
» Develop Public of Private Cloud.
» Architect, Design and Develop Cloud System.
» Develop Cloud based Applications